Insurers confirm that they agree travelling for official Education is deemed as Essential Travel and subject to the following
Green List Countries
Cover as Standard
Amber List Countries
Cancellation Cover due to contracting Covid as standard, as per current T&C’s. If Clients wish to have Covid Cover for Medical Expenses, then there will be an additional premium payable and this will be included by the Automated Quote System, if the option is selected.
Red List Countries
Cancellation Cover due to contracting Covid as standard, as per current T&C’s. No Covid Cover for Medical Expenses.
Country List Changes
If the Country list colour changes once you have travelled, then the terms are as per the date you purchased the insurance. i.e. if Purchased while the Country was on the Green list, then you travelled and then subsequently the Country changes to the Amber list, then the terms remain the same as at the date of purchase i.e. Green Terms